Portfolio Website

Professional Website

The current website that you are viewing was developed as a component of my Personal Portfolio Project, which was the first website I created during my participation in the SheCodes Australia Plus Scholarship Program for the 2022-2023. It is a responsive design website with a functional form, try it out for yourself!

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Researchmob is a crowdfunding platform that facilitates funding contributions from various sectors, including the community, industry, and academia, towards innovative scientific research. The project involved the integration of Django Rest Framework for the backend deployed on and React for the frontend deployed on Netlify.

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SheCodes Scheduling Tool

Final group project.A client provided requirements: an internal tooling system to record events. The system would enable internal staff members to assign mentors to events and track their progress through a 7-step onboarding process. Our team worked diligently over a period of three weeks to develop a solution,which incorporated DRF for the backend, deployed on, and React for the frontend, deployed on Netlify.

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SheCodes News

The third task assigned to us during the SheCodes Australia Plus Scholarship Program 2022-2023 was to replicate the She Codes News website. The project entailed developing a platform that allowed users to create accounts, sign in, and submit news stories. Users also had the option to edit and delete their submissions. The stories were sorted in descending order, with the latest release at the top of the list.

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Weather Project

The "Python Weather App" project was completed during the SheCodes Australia Plus Scholarship Program 2022 2023. The project objectives were to transform incomprehensible data into a more user-friendly and understandable format. This involved the creation of various functions to facilitate data conversion and retrieval. The project posed a significant challenge as it necessitated passing through testing to ensure compliance with the submission criteria.

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New Project

This project is under construction. I will tell you all about it soon. For now lets keep it a secret.

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